Dear Friend,

Hello, friend, it’s been a while. You’ve slept for a year. You look well-rested, alive. I’m glad to see you out.

Have you seen the sunrise? The beautiful golden hour? Have you breathed in the morning breeze? The birds are singing for you to wake. Have you finally heard them?

You greet the world with open arms this at the start of the year. So excited to share you’re doing well, what you’ve been up to. And they share your joy, they cheer you on as you progress from one hurdle after another.

Where have you been all this time? I missed your smile and energy, oh so lively. I missed your words, the lovely craft of piecing words together, painting a beautiful picture with ABC’s. I missed your curiosity, the wild imagination, the unending trove of magic, and wonders—a universe unknown to the world. I miss the way you scrunch your nose as you try to find a way to put these unexplainable things to words—the swords and the dragons, the shadows and the light. I miss how you turn something so painful into a beautiful poetry that touches the heart.

It’s alright. We can be weak sometimes. We have to let ourselves wallow in grief. You’ve experienced lost you’re unfamiliar with. You were navigating through the tears and the needs. To stand up even though your knees are weak. Slowly you managed to crawl, and then walk and then run. You took your time, and that’s okay.

Now look at you. You look beautiful, just as beautiful as the day I last saw you. A bit of sadness in the eyes, that’s okay. I see more wisdom too. They didn’t lose their spark. A little scar here and there. Hands and feet are a bit callous than I remember. Definitely stronger than before.

I was rooting for you. Did you hear my cheer? That’s ok. I’m still glad you’re back here. I’m glad you’re dancing again, like no one is looking. Laughing as if there’s no tomorrow. Embracing the joy and knowing you deserve the greatest of all love the world can offer.

Friend, I’m glad to have you back.